Artist’s Statement

Why do you paint?

Outside of the act of painting itself, answering this question—usually posed by the playfully curious—infuses me with the same joy I feel when entering a magnificent art gallery, or standing before the work of a master painter.

And it is, in fact, the masterpiece that is Mother Nature that becomes the object of my gaze each time I pick up my brush and sit before my awaiting easel. Seeing only her beauty and her transformational and transcendental powers, as an artist I feel compelled to capture her radiance so that my audience might feel it mirrored in their soul. By potentially widening the aperture, I am able to offer the audience a perspective of the human experience that they may have otherwise overlooked. But there is an even greater challenge faced by the sincere artist that is invisible to the human eye: With each piece you create, you must give of your presence—your essence of being—and transfer it onto the canvas. If you have done this, then you have shared with the viewer an intrinsic part of yourself that is timeless and eternal. It is an honor and privilege I treasure.

Becoming an artist had always been a longstanding dream of mine even as a little girl—an ever-present ‘knowing’ as familiar as my own skin. In the decades that followed those first childhood notions, I willingly explored that path as a Caribbean fine artist, showcasing in my work the treasures of nature that provoke thought, honor diversity, and inspire interpretations of life.

My first strokes as a Caribbean fine artist was with watercolor, a medium I find incredibly fluid yet immediately expressive. Watercolor has a translucent, almost magical effect as it flows on and settles into the paper. While still enjoying the challenge of this medium, in 2005 I began working with oils. At once bold yet pliable, oils offered a different dynamic to the creative process; a wonderful versatility through which my subject matter could find expression in its own time.

Nature remains the wellspring of gifts from which I draw inspiration. Her kaleidoscope of light and colors continue to enhance the endless subjects that abound: from beautiful flowers and playful plants, to breathtaking landscapes and heart-stopping vistas, and more. I have found such exquisite wonders not only in Jamaica, but also along my travels and where I now live on the East Coast of the United States.

This form of expression remains my cohesive force and my foundation as a devoted Caribbean fine artist. As I explore along this path, I will continue to open the doors encountered, and welcome fresh knowledge and the ever-changing interpretations of life.”