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Latest Works
Madonna of the FlamesMadonna of the Flames
St. Michael’s, Clark’s TownSt. Michael’s, Clark’s Town
Silent SwiftsSilent Swifts
Passion FruitPassion Fruit
The Cat in the Halloween HatThe Cat in the Halloween Hat
Luminous LilacLuminous Lilac
A Watercolour Tribute to
Historic Jamaican Churches

This exquisite Jamaican coffee table book comprises an unusual combination of components: art, history, sociology, and architecture.
A Watercolour Tribute to Historic Jamaican Churches
This exquisite Jamaican coffee table book comprises an unusual combination of components: art, history, sociology, and architecture.

About Juliet

Influenced by her multicultural heritage, her artist grandmother, the late Barbara Parsons, and the breathtaking natural beauty of Jamaica, her first home, Juliet has always been drawn to nature’s energy. She first made her name as one of that island’s premiere nature artists, and her spirited and soulful watercolors and illustrations later made way for similarly successful — and far bolder — works in oils. Meanwhile she also turned her artist’s eye inward, leaving the realism of her early works to portray the essence of her subjects in equally intriguing abstract works.
About Juliet

Influenced by her multicultural heritage, her artist grandmother, the late Barbara Parsons, and the breathtaking natural beauty of Jamaica, her first home, Juliet has always been drawn to nature’s energy. She first made her name as one of that island’s premiere nature artists, and her spirited and soulful watercolors and illustrations later made way for similarly successful — and far bolder — works in oils. Meanwhile she also turned her artist’s eye inward, leaving the realism of her early works to portray the essence of her subjects in equally intriguing abstract works.