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September 2016

Vincent van Gogh ~ A Magnificent Inspiration

So it’s one of those grey and rainy mornings and I’m just not feeling the creative juices flowing….thank goodness that when I check my email, I find that Pinterest has sent me the topic of Vincent van Gogh to follow. Vincent just happens to be one, if not my favorite painter of all time. Not only are his paintings an absolute inspiration to my senses, but they also seem to lift my entire spirit.

Vincent van Gogh ~ A Magnificent Inspiration Read More »

The Tipping Point of summer – what glory it brings!

It’s sad to say but it’s that time of year when the summer is officially just about over, at least it is here on the East Coast. There are however, much to my delight, some leftovers from the ‘sun season’ that continue to linger, and I have been taking advantage of their presence. I speak of the glorious plants and flowers that remain in the days of September and how thrilled I am for them to still be here.

The Tipping Point of summer – what glory it brings! Read More »